An example of a brand proposition statement

This is an example of a brand proposition statement. To find out how to go about writing one for your company, read our guide to writing a killer proposition statement here.

It is based on a fictional firm of solicitors.

Page one: the manifesto.

Law is scary. Its processes are alienating. The language is hard to understand. Everything about the legal system seems designed to intimidate the public: from the austere courtrooms, to the straight-out-of-a-Dickens-novel outfits that judges and barristers wear, to the solicitors’ offices which are always lined with massive green leather books with arcane titles. And why on earth do they call their offices ‘chambers’ anyway?

No wonder people are terrified about the prospect of getting legal help. But sometimes, life happens. And some problems can only be resolved by finding out what the law says. So people have no choice but to talk to a legal specialist. But they don’t know who to talk to, or what to say, or how the system works. And everyone who works in the legal system looks like they come from a completely different world and wouldn’t begin to understand their problem anyway.

So they end up talking to the wrong person, and giving them the wrong information. As a result, they don’t get the result that they should have got, and the law has let them down. Yet again, they feel, the law has made a few professional types rich as a result of their distress.

We exist to make law work for the people. It was set up, after all, to make society function fairly and equally. We know its language can be hard to understand, so we translate it for our customers. We speak in plain language that anyone can understand. Our offices are set up around the needs of our customers. They are child-friendly, so that anyone can bring their kids if they need to. We’re open in the evenings, so people can talk to us after they finish work. We offer free initial conversations, so that we can help people to understand what the process should look like, and if there’s a better way of getting a resolution than using the legal system, we’ll find it for our customers.

As a result, our customers feel respected and above all, in control of the process. They have the confidence and the reassurance that finally, the law is doing what it was designed to do: to give everyone exactly the same, fair outcome, no matter who they are and how familiar they are with the system.

Page two: brand on a page

Brand cause

By making it accessible and understandable, we make the law what it should always be: the impartial, blind guarantee of a fair society.

Brand belief

Law is for the people. The law can be confusing, alienating and as a result, it can fail people – especially those who lack some of the advantages of wealth and status. We believe that it should work for everyone and be accessible by everyone.

Brand values

Solidarity. Simplicity. Determination.

Target audience

Demographically, our target audience is broad, because lots of people from a wide variety of professions and income levels need access to the law from time to time. But that’s the point: we treat all of them equally. What links our target audience is that they are not experts in law, nor do they consider themselves to be experts. Attitudinally, they are likely to be fearful and confused at a stressful time.

Reason to believe

Our office design. Our language, especially in the follow-up letters. The channels that we use, like WhatsApp. The way we dress. The simplicity of our website and our phone system. You get a personal contact who guides you through the entire process. The process through which you contact us.

The emotional outcome

We can sum this up in one word: dignity. Because while most of the legal world talks down to people, we’re different. Our customers feel understood and above all, respected.

Tone of voice

Straightforward, down-to-earth, plain talking. Respectful, without being servile. The friend who gives you practical, honest counsel when you’re feeling confused.

Your brand proposition statement is one of the most important documents that you’ll own. If you’d like help with producing it, please contact us for a chat.