Brand strategy and development

We give Marketing Directors the support of their own personal Brand Director.

Helping you to manage your brand agency and create a brand that will make you shine

You’re a Marketing Director, or a Head of Marketing.

You’re on the hook for creating an engaging, well-performing brand for your company and your products.

But you’re also responsible for social media, and advertising, and SEO, and managing your team, and attending all those annoying committees.

In short, you’re busy.

So you’ve hired a brand agency to look after the brand.

The problem is, you’re not entirely certain that they’re doing a good job. 

Sure, the website looks nice, and the graphics on the social media posts look pretty. 

But is anyone engaging with them? And does anyone in the company really understand what the brand stands for?

And if your agency team were challenged at the next board meeting to outline the brand strategy, and to explain how it meets the company’s strategic objectives, could they? Could you?

Not sure if your brand is performing as well as it should? Take a look at the nine warning signs that identify a brand that’s at risk.

Your personal Brand Director

I’m Rick Hamilton. I’m the Director of Credobrand.

I’m a former Marketing Controller for Barclays Bank plc, a Marketing Controller for Hallmark Cards plc, a Head of Brand for Yorkshire Building Society, and a Director of Brand and Marketing at CO2Sense.

I can make your life much, much easier and I can transform your brand into the envy of your industry.

Here’s how. 

What I'll deliver for you

You can hire me from a day to as long as you want. I work remotely, so we can work together, wherever you are.

We’ll discuss your objectives before we get started. But here’s an outline of some of the tasks that you’ll probably need.

Brand analysis

First, I’ll take a good look at your current brand. Does it work? Does it meet the criteria of a successful brand? Does it engage with your customers? Or is it just a set of cosmetic guidelines that doesn’t change the customer’s experience?

Customer research

You might need some customer research to help to understand your brand’s strengths and weaknesses. I can make this happen.

Brand strategy

Once we’ve assessed your brand, I’ll develop a brand strategy that you can show to your board. This will cover everything that you’ll need to meet your brand objectives, from creating the right brand architecture to making sure that the brand experience is consistent to every aspect of your business.

Brand positioning

If your current brand positioning isn’t working, I’ll recommend a new one. I’ll demonstrate how it will be more effective at creating loyalty, preference, and even love.

Strategy implementation

Next, I’ll work with your team to implement the strategy. We’ll make sure that everything, from the website to the call centre scripts, reflects the brand and builds a world-beating brand experience

Agency liaison

Throughout all this, I’ll work with your brand agency to brief them on anything that we’ll need them to deliver. I’ll hold them to account and will make sure that they are delivering value for you.

Let's talk.

Get in touch for an informal chat about your current situation and how I can make your life easier.

Call me: 07980 620301

Email me: